Sunday 14 June 2015

Becoming a Doctor?

“What are you going to be when you get older?” this is a question I get questioned a lot. Especially the last year because I am in my final year. At first I didn’t really know what to answer. I wanted to be a lot and do a lot and all my option were still open.

The last year or so it came very close very quickly and I began to feel a bit panicky about choosing a  college because I still didn’t know what I wanted to become. In the end I choose to stay at high school and to do something that is similar to getting my A-levels. I have two years to go so plenty of time to choose.

A few months ago I became interested in studying medicine. I went to a university in Amsterdam to get a preview about the studying medicine and I became very enthusiastic about it. I like helping people and talk to people and being a doctor would be perfect. When I am done studying medicine, I want to specialise myself in being a belly doctor, everything about the lever, intestine etc. I always found biology very interested especially everything about the human body. My other options are being a doctor that knows all about generation or longs. I have quite a lot of options.

I know being a doctor is hard and it’s not something you just became but I think I would do my best. The things a am still a bit doubtful about is that I don’t think I can inject someone and I feel very  nervous about that also I can’t handle broken bones, but maybe I learn to deal with it. Another thing is that becoming a doctor is that it takes very long, when everything goes right I’ll be done with learning when I’m 27 years old, but what is nice is that I can work as a doctor during studying.

So, this is my dream for now, I would love to see myself working as a doctor and when I picture it I get a smile on my face!

I would like to hear what you want to be or what your thoughts are on becoming a doctor, so feel free to leave a compliment!

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