Sunday 14 June 2015

Many Respect for Ingrid Nilsen!

So, a couple of days ago Ingrid Nilsen from YouTube uploaded a video about her coming out. I only saw it yesterday because I’m not subscribed to her but it showed up on my YouTube so I watched it. First of all many many respect for her for finally coming out and feeling free.

But I found it so sad that it such a big thing to do. Why is it made so hard for people to be what they want to be or are. I know this sound very cliché, but I mean it. Why does it even have to be said if your straight or gay or bisexual. Look it is pretty obvious that when you trying to hit on a girl and she is a lesbian you would like to know it.
When I first saw the video I was a bit in shock
I can’t lie about that. I’ve watched some videos from Ingrid and also the boyfriend tag and personally I would never thought she was gay, not that it’s obvious when someone is gay or straight but it just never crossed my mind. But when I’d watched the video I realised why it never crossed my mind. I found the video hard to watch because you saw how happy she was because she finally said something!

There are a lot of people who came out the last few years and all had a really hard time to say it on YouTube. It makes me really happy that people finally found the courage to say it on the internet because there is a lot of hate especially on YouTube but by saying that I also think that people in an ideal world don’t have to have courage to say something like that because it’s a normal thing.
Being different then what lots of people found normal is scary, but I hope that children and adults also learn from these videos and get the courage to come out themselves.
I don’t know if what I’m saying is making any sense but the only thing I wanted to become clear is that when you’re gay, you’re gay, when you’re straight, you’re straight and that’s perfectly fine. If everyone was the same it wouldn’t be fun!

Please leave a comment on what your thoughts are about being gay or straight and what you thought of Ingrid’s coming out video. I will end it with the strong quote that Ingrid used:

“We all deserve our best chance.”


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